Tag? I am kind of confused but weird in these 6 ways
So Hillary did some tag thing to me and I think I am now supposed to tell you 6 weird things about myself (see: THIS).
Here goes:
1 - I often don't like to eat food that other people make - this includes potlucks, buffets, dinner made by strange people (Hillary you don't count, your food is awesome and you aren't strange), but does NOT include restaurants (non-buffet) or prepackaged food stuff. This makes me feel guilty because I am afraid someone will be offended because I don't want to eat their food but really I am just weird. Also note that I can't cook so this means I eat a lot of frozen pizza. Call me Mr. Healthy. Awesome.
2 - I love bloody violent horror and action movies but am a sucker for cute animals and my favorite website is CuteOverload.com. I don't think this is that weird but a lot of people that I work with do so I am including it.
3 - I hate the sun but apparently I need it to live. The sun makes me hot, sweaty, squinty and irritable but some people say that it is essential to life and living so I guess I just have to deal with it. This doesn't stop me from cursing its exsistence whenever it rears its ugly mug.
4 - I love writing but hate writing. I don't know if this is weird or normal but I enjoy thinking about writing something and I enjoy having written something but the actual act of writing makes me want to stab myself. This is a problem since most of things that I want to do with the remainder of my life involve writing.
5 - I am the most pessimistic optimist I know. Somehow I manage to be incredibly jaded and fatalistic while also having faith that everything will eventually work out for the best. So, while I constantly think I/we am/are fucked I also figure that there is an equal chance that I/we am/are about to win some amazing prize or change the world for the better.
6 - I have an amazing memory for minutia (see the long post/flamewar with Chuck on AthensPolitics for my ability to remember every detail of something from a long time ago) but frequently can't remember something that happened just a little while ago - as in: how did I get to work this morning? What did I do last night? What was it I promised to remind my wife? How do I tie my shoes? (OK I remember the last one but you get the idea).
6.5 - I look like young Homer Simpson, a fact which landed me the lovely Mrs. Lewis.

OK so now I think I am supposed to tell some other people to do this same thing on their Blogs. Since I don't know toomany other bloggers who aren't already doing this I pick LAMBO and SAUCE. Get to it boys.
Here goes:
1 - I often don't like to eat food that other people make - this includes potlucks, buffets, dinner made by strange people (Hillary you don't count, your food is awesome and you aren't strange), but does NOT include restaurants (non-buffet) or prepackaged food stuff. This makes me feel guilty because I am afraid someone will be offended because I don't want to eat their food but really I am just weird. Also note that I can't cook so this means I eat a lot of frozen pizza. Call me Mr. Healthy. Awesome.
2 - I love bloody violent horror and action movies but am a sucker for cute animals and my favorite website is CuteOverload.com. I don't think this is that weird but a lot of people that I work with do so I am including it.
3 - I hate the sun but apparently I need it to live. The sun makes me hot, sweaty, squinty and irritable but some people say that it is essential to life and living so I guess I just have to deal with it. This doesn't stop me from cursing its exsistence whenever it rears its ugly mug.
4 - I love writing but hate writing. I don't know if this is weird or normal but I enjoy thinking about writing something and I enjoy having written something but the actual act of writing makes me want to stab myself. This is a problem since most of things that I want to do with the remainder of my life involve writing.
5 - I am the most pessimistic optimist I know. Somehow I manage to be incredibly jaded and fatalistic while also having faith that everything will eventually work out for the best. So, while I constantly think I/we am/are fucked I also figure that there is an equal chance that I/we am/are about to win some amazing prize or change the world for the better.
6 - I have an amazing memory for minutia (see the long post/flamewar with Chuck on AthensPolitics for my ability to remember every detail of something from a long time ago) but frequently can't remember something that happened just a little while ago - as in: how did I get to work this morning? What did I do last night? What was it I promised to remind my wife? How do I tie my shoes? (OK I remember the last one but you get the idea).
6.5 - I look like young Homer Simpson, a fact which landed me the lovely Mrs. Lewis.

OK so now I think I am supposed to tell some other people to do this same thing on their Blogs. Since I don't know toomany other bloggers who aren't already doing this I pick LAMBO and SAUCE. Get to it boys.
I love that you just called your wife Mrs. Lewis. I'm gonna call her that from now on.
Very nicely done, Homer J. Your first meme.
What does "meme" mean exactly? I think Blogger forgot to send me my Blog Jargon Manual. They also forgot to send me Blog Jargon Manuel.
"Meme" is a Richard Dawkins word that sort of means "contagious idea." Wikipedia has an entry on it here.
In blog terms, it's usually a sort of assignment based around a theme that you spread to other bloggy people.
New words are awesome! Thanks Hillary!
There's a whole buncha science been dedicated to the concept of meme, my boy.
I R learning.
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