Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lily Allen - Alfie

Yes I know I still have to post about NY Comic-Con but that involves thinking and I spent all day working on ways to make some cheese in light of my new employment impaired status.

So, kick back and get ready for some ridiculous cuteness:

Monday, February 26, 2007

Well that was unexpected! - OR - Guess who no longer works for the man?! - OR - And then there was one.

So guess what I have in common with David Brent?

No, not the sweet guitarded freak out - redundancy.

In an unexpected and oddly timed turn of events I was given my walking papers by the ABH this afternoon. It turns out that if you don't make budget for 3 or so years you don't get to keep your Marketing Department. What had once been a 5 person department has been whittled down to a duo over the course of 3 years and when it was time for the second to last cut I was voted off the island.

Seriously though folks, I was the clear choice and in the end I am fucking stoked. Honestly I had been trying to get out of that place since my first day and though I will miss a few select folks (I hope you know who you are) I am looking forward to launching the world domination plan that has been waiting in the wings for a while now.

Get ready for the future, get ready for the magic.

I'm back

Hello dear readers (the three of you know who you are),

I am back from my NYC trip and will do my best to post stories of my journey - including tales of famous comic book artist types, African conterfeit luggage salesmen (and the assertion that it is easier to buy heroin than fake Louis Vuitton in ChinaTown) and my hatred of air travel - tonight or more likely tomorrow. Also to everyone who emailed me while I was gone - I will email back as soon as I catch up on work and some other things that have to be done immediately. You know I loves ya peoples!

I leave you with this Monkey light bulb and the link to the amazing Devlin Thompson's new blog HERE.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Gone to the city

I am going to NYC for a few days to check out New York Comic-Con and see my mom who will be there on business. Needless to say there will be no blogging for a while. Enjoy your time without me and check back next week for updates.


Cute Attack from the UK

OK so I am not one to crush out in public, but if the wife can have her Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal and her Nick Cage (though she is gonna have to fight Hillary for him) then I am gonna have to go with the dual action limey cute-a-thon that is Lily Allen and "the biggest midget in the game," Lady Sovereign.

The S-O-V has been a household fav for a while but ever since we saw Lily Allen on Saturday Night Live a few weeks back (I can't remember anyone sounding that good on SNL in the past) I have been jonesing to hear more. I downloaded a few tracks at lunch today and much to my pleasant surprise she is out and out killer. ITunes Store here I come!

so cool

so I haven't listened to this with sound yet but it looks so cool! Apparently this was done for Robert Rodriguez' SXSW Grindhouse film trailer competition. Well done indeed!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I don't know why I waste time on crap like this BUT...


Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Monday, February 19, 2007

and so it begins... again.

Something is happening, rumors are spreading. Listen to some music and spread the word. What's the word? Regeneration.

Ruby Isle - Into the Black
Ruby Isle - Atom Bomb

Check out their MySpace.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Uploaded by DarkUFO

Ryanetics hearts time travel theory.


It's HERE. I know you have been waiting. ha.

I Love Toys

Check out this site with pictures of Toy Fair goodness RIGHT HERE.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Understated Elegance.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cute Overload? More like Cute Overlord!

Seriously, the site rules me like a benevolent dictator. Case in point.

Lost is back!

Tonight at 10 people! The new later time is crazy annoying but seeing it in HD on the new TV is gonna make it well worth the wait! Apparently at 9 there is a series recap show which is normally annoying but tonight the producers are supposed to be there explaining things so that should make things a little more interesting.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

OK Travis, you win this round...

Well you asked for it so here it is. I wouldn't say that this is particularly noteworthy except that I had fun doing it and the "Ant Man" makes me laugh (yes I know Ant Man is not an actually an ant but considering how many Ant Men there have been through the years I thought this 80s variant was giggle-worthy).


I must apologize for the lack of posting over the last few days, I have been crazy busy at the day job and spending any spare moments working on a secret project. Also for some reason I started drawing again a few days ago (keep in mind I haven't spent time actively drawing since I dropped out of the UGA art school in the mid 90s) and I can't stop. I just keep doodling like mad for no real reason. Perhaps I will post some scans from my sketch book at some point - if I feel like being ridiculed.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Well done boys

Fighting absurity with a little more absurdity. Nice.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

ATHF update

Travis has posted a more detailed description of the retardation along with a video of how the guys actually made and installed the signs - pretty rad if you ask me.

Mooninite update!

Here is a longer story with more info on how retarded Boston is. Get a grip people, a twitchy transit worker made a bad call, no need to go out and start arresting artists and making your city look like panictown, USA.

On the suggestion of Crystal, I propose that everyone goes out and buys a Lite Brite to fashion Mooninites to stand in protest in our street facing home windows. Who's in?


Boston needs to get an effing grip!

I don't know if you have heard about the city of Boston being invaded by the Mooninites but I think someone needs to get their head checked. I don't know how you could look at these pictures and think that you are looking at anything other than a homemade Lite Brite, but apparently some idiot insisted they were bombs and started a city wide panic which has ended in the arrest of two indie artists who worked on a marketing campaign for Adult Swim.

I think we need to really examine what the Bush administration's campaign of fear has done to the American psyche when a major U.S. city can be shut down by Lite Brites. When we begin arresting artists because some wack job can't tell a Mooninite from an IED we really need to consider that the terrorists truly are winning. Anyone remember that old saying about having nothing to fear but fear itself? Somewhere in the ether FDR and that "Indian" from the old littering commercial are sharing a good cry over the sad, sad state of our Union.

CNN's take on the haps.
MSNBC's pseudo hipster entry.
Own your own.
More photos.
The official site.

a sad day

Firey political columnist and author Molly Ivins died of breast cancer yesterday. More HERE.