So guess what I have in common with David Brent?

No, not the sweet guitarded freak out - redundancy.
In an unexpected and oddly timed turn of events I was given my walking papers by the ABH this afternoon. It turns out that if you don't make budget for 3 or so years you don't get to keep your Marketing Department. What had once been a 5 person department has been whittled down to a duo over the course of 3 years and when it was time for the second to last cut I was voted off the island.

Seriously though folks, I was the clear choice and in the end I am fucking stoked. Honestly I had been trying to get out of that place since my first day and though I will miss a few select folks (I hope you know who you are) I am looking forward to launching the world domination plan that has been waiting in the wings for a while now.
Get ready for the future, get ready for the magic.