as we say up north... Oy Vey!
So the cavalcade of stupid that is the Charlie Maddox for Mayor campaign continues... read all about his PR firm's latest grab-assing HERE.
I have to agree with Jason on this one, you just gotta feel sorry for the guy. He'd make an awful mayor but at least he seems like a nice guy. It's just a shame he can't keep the folks around him in line.
I have to agree with Jason on this one, you just gotta feel sorry for the guy. He'd make an awful mayor but at least he seems like a nice guy. It's just a shame he can't keep the folks around him in line.

Um, man, I had gotten myslef all geared up to be upset by the "fake ads" and what not but these are laughable and most of them are pretty funny.
I don't see how they're any different that Rusk's sticker that said "You look like a sissy in that Hummer."
I thought that was pretty funny, too.
On another note, coffee rules. It's like the best drink ever.
Yeah, my main gripe was with the fact that his PR agency made them. I kinda thought they were dumb for the most part.
The thing that really gets me about it is the fact that this is a local campaign that is turning really nasty for no good reason and without the consent of the candidates. I would expect nothing less from a national or even state campaign (see the Kidd v. Cowsert lunacy) but it is sad to see a local race devolve like this.
As for them not being different than Rusk's Hummer sticker - the main difference is that his sticker didn't target anyone by name (especially not a fellow candidate) but was just making a general absurdist statement for comedy/shock value. The fake Heidi ads (though some are slightly humorous) are antagonistic and, in the case of the one that mentioned bras, borderline offensive.
Either way, this is just one more thng that shows that if Maddox can't control his campaign how can he control a city?
As for coffee, it gives me the shakes.
"...but was just making a general absurdist statement for comedy/shock value."
An absurdist statement would be more like "Your rhombus is fish in that yellow."
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