Friday, September 29, 2006

Inspirational found images for the weekend!

I am in shock

Ladies Against Feminism might be one of the most disturbing websites I have ever seen. My jaw is literally still agape. I don't know what to say except that I am filled with a deep sense of sadness knowing that people out there think and live this way.

America is stuck in reverse, headed for a social and cultural Dark Ages and a recovering alcoholic Born Again Christian is at the steering wheel.

Wake up America! The terrorists are winning and you are helping them when you participate in the destruction of our American freedom and equality. We the people are being scared back into an isolationist Puritanical 1800s mentality while our government is marauding across the globe spreading outmoded ignorant colonialism all to make a quick buck.

When Clinton was president (and small business and the economy was booming by the way) the Rush Limbaugh crowd bitched and moaned about a New World Order and the horrors of NAFTA. Somehow those same voices of dissent are silent now that the House of Bush is globalizing and corporatizing our country in ways that no one could have imagined 8 years ago.

The days of the small business man, the pulled up by the boot straps American dreamer are waning. We deserve more. We should be demanding more. Gay marriage, prayer in schools, bilingual education, the anti-abortion movement and the like are distractions to keep the average Dick and Jane from noticing the fact that Exxon, Wal-Mart, Halliburton, Merc, etc are plundering our national sense of hope.

Wake up! Vote for change on November 7th! Vote Democrat!

"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" & "The Colbert Report" guests the week of 10/2

· Both shows will be LIVE on election night on Tuesday, November 7th

“THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART” – (week of October 2)
Monday 10/2---------- Sen. Trent Lott- author Herding Cats: A Life in Politics
Tuesday 10/3---------- Dennis Miller
Wednesday 10/4 ---------- Ian Bremmer- author The J Curve
Thursday 10/5---------- David Rakoff- humor author- Don't Get Too Comfortable

“THE COLBERT REPORT” – (week of October 2)
Monday 10/2---------- Michael Lewis - The Blind Side, Evolution Of A Game
Tuesday 10/3---------- Andy Stern- A Country That Works: Getting America Back On Track
Wednesday 10/4 ---------- Sen. Byron Dorgan- Take This Job And Ship It: How Corporate Greed And Brain-Dead Politics Are Selling Out America
Thursday 10/5---------- Amy Goodman- Democracy Now!

The Futurists

So, Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Iron Man/Tony Stark in the upcoming Marvel movie. Weird. At first I thought it was a crap choice but after thinking about it some more it kind of works. Stark battles alcoholism and is a notorious ladies man (or letch depending on the writer) and it isn't like Downey Jr. is a stranger to either of those issues. As long as Jon Favreau (who is directing) pushes him to get a good performance, I think this might actually work.

Also it should be noted that Stark is often referred to as a Futurist and Downey Jr. released an album called The Futurist. Coincidence? Probably.

Read more at CNN and at Marvel

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So I found this photo on one of the clip art sites we use at work. It pretty much fucking rulez. This guy is taking business to the next level and he doesn't even know about the internets yet. Someone buy the man a Tab!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

who knew?

So last night I watched the pilot for NBC's new show Heroes and I have to say it was actually pretty good. If I try to explain it to you based on just the one episode I am pretty sure I will make it sound ridiculous so I am just posting this to let everyone know that it is airing again tonight (Tues. 9/26) at 8pm on NBC. If you are looking for something to watch and are tired of watching the same Law and Order episodes for the one billionth time, you might wanna give Heroes a shot.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Clinton brings the fight to FOX!

Of course the TV news folks have been poo-pooing Clinton giving Fox News the beatdown by calling it a defensive rant and worse. Personally I found it to be refreshing and wish more Dems would take his lead and quit playing touchy feely. The country is broken and we aren't going to fix it with hugs and apologies.

Dems needs to get out there are kick some ass for the future. And yes, I realize that that sounds totally lame to all of us cynical hipster types but it is true. If anything is ever going to be fixed we need to quit letting millionaire douche bags push us around. Everyone had a good laugh at Howard Dean and his "WOOOORAAAA" thingy but seriously, at least the man was fired up. Get pissed people, this isn't a dress rehearsal - Republicans will continue to run the country until we stop letting them. I say November 7th is the day we stop sitting on our asses and start making some shit happen!

Leonard Pitts, badass.

Miami Herald columnist Leornard Pitts is generally right on, but in this past Friday's column he nailed it even more than usual. Read all about it.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

America is so depressing

I am sitting on the couch right now watching the new documentary "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" from director Robert Greenwald ("Out Foxed" "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price") and I am disgusted. I am writing a full review for this week's Action 5 column but I want to encourage everyone who reads this post to watch the DVD, register to vote and boot the republicans out of office this fall - we owe it to our children to get America off the crash course that the House of Bush has set us upon.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Register to VOTE!

Ok, so I know that midterm elections don't have the same kinda sexy that drives the kids to the polls during a presidential election but I just wanted to drop a quick reminder of what's at stake this go 'round.

If the Republicans did not control all branches of government (you can be a stickler and say they don't have the Judicial but I think the 2000 election proved they do) we might not be in what looks like an endless war, the minimum wage would likely have been raised this year from the paltry $5.15, health care costs would not be out of control, we could work towards real energy alternatives and most importantly, the House of Bush would have to start answering for their mistakes/crimes.

Imagine what good could be done if some balance is brought back to Washington? Wouldn't it be nice to see Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rove, Bush, et al hearing no for the first time? Wouldn't you feel better knowing that someone might actually punish those crooks for lying to the country about Iraq and failing the people of New Orleans after Katrina? Wouldn't you like to know that someone could stop Bush from plowing our armed forces into an unwinnable war with Iran?

If so, stop bitching and vote on November 7th. If you haven't registered to vote, do it! The deadline to be able to vote in the midterm election is October 10th. You still have time.

Let's start on the state level by voting out Sonny and voting in Mark Taylor. Locally we ought to give someone new a shot at city hall. I say Andy Rusk for mayor!

I didn't intend for this post to be so long but I will be back with more links to candidates and info on races in our district - for now do us all a favor and register to vote, then mark November 7th on your calendar!

I leave you with some recent words from the future first black president Barak Obama on the upcoming election:

"George Bush...needs to defend his vision of government—and that's a government that can't, won't, and shouldn't solve great national challenges like our energy dependence.

You see, it's this timidity—this smallness—in our politics that's holding us back right now. The idea that some problems are just too big to handle, and if you just ignore them, sooner or later, they'll go away.

In the middle of the Cold War, we built a national highway system so we had a quick way to transport military equipment across the country. When we wanted to beat the Russians into space, we poured millions into a national education initiative that graduated thousands of new scientists and engineers. If we hope to strengthen our security and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, we can offer no less of a commitment to energy independence.

This is our chance to step up and serve. For decades, we have heard President after President call for energy independence in this country, but for decades, we have fallen short. Well it's time to call on ourselves. We shouldn't wait for the next time gas hits $3 a gallon—and we shouldn't accept any more headlines that talk about a dying auto industry or a terrorist plot to use oil as a weapon against America. We should act—and we should act now."

If you like Sabbath - and I know you do...

You must check out The Sword!

Daily Show and Colbert Report Guests

“THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART” – (week of September 25)
Monday 9/18---------- Pat Buchanan author - promoting book, "State of Emergency"
Tuesday 9/19---------- TBD
Wednesday 9/20 ---------- Al Franken author - promoting book, "The Truth (with Jokes)”
Thursday 9/21---------- Jim McGreevey former Governor of NJ & author - promoting book, The Confession)

“THE COLBERT REPORT” – (week of September 25)
Monday 9/25---------- Arriana Huffington- “On becoming fearless.... In love, work, and life”
Tuesday 9/26---------- Ted Danson - new comedy series on ABC “Help Me Help You”
Wednesday 9/27 ---------- Lowell Bergman- “Frontline”
Thursday 9/28---------- Steve Wozniak- Iwoz: From Computer Geek To Cult Icon: How I Invented The Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, And Had Fun Doing It

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Feast! In Athens this Friday!

So the amazing looking Project Greenlight horror movie whose trailer I have embedded in an earlier post on this here blog (check the archives for early September) is showing at 9:45 this Friday night (9/22) at Carmike. You know I'll be there!

I like!

Last night the Kangaroo Alliance and I caught the ATL MySpace screening of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.


Double WOW.

As hard as it is to believe, it was far funnier than I could possibly have imagined and stands as one of the finer examples of satire that I can remember seeing. Sacha Baron Cohen packs everything that scares/depresses me about America into a lean 82 minute comedy that actually manages to be genuinely sweet in the end.

It lands in theaters on November 2nd. Don't miss it.


Normally I am not too down with the whole capital punishment thing but when you do something like this, you deserve nothing less than a very public dismembering. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

woo hoo

Check out this killer new Marvel Civil War trailer! I would have embedded the player but for some reason Blogger won't accept the html tags. Geez, Blogger is even nerdier than I am with all it's "can't accept this html code" talk. Geez blogger, why don't you read a comic book like the cool kids.


Every time you watch this a puppy gets his wings.

I am so sorry Bill..

You may already have seen this. If not you need to. If so then watch it again because it only gets funnier!

this is just depressing...

Spin has named Athens band The Whigs it's band of the day.

Uggg. The Whigs are a sad reminder that Athens used to have an amazing and vital music scene. The Whigs are faux indie rock-lite for the American Eagle set. The Whigs are depressing to say the least.

Guess that makes me a jaded old hipster.

Yay me.

Boo Whigs.

my mind has been blown

I snagged this from the best site ever Cute Overload - Check it!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Taste the funny. And also the sad.


Oh Willie, how can we not love you?

Lost: Reposted for Athens Banner-Herald readers

CSI sees dead people.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Andy Rusk for mayor?

Athens, like the rest of the world, has some significant problems that are going to require truly inspired leadership to solve. Starting locally, I think it might be time to elect a mayor who realizes that big changes are needed if we want to stop the tide of poverty, sprawl, ignorant reliance on oil and natural gas, the influx of high-rise condos and the corporate bullshit chain stores that are robbing our community of all the things that make it feel like home. Andy Rusk may just be that mayor - he is certainly worth some serious consideration and his low budget campaign could definately use the word of mouth so if you like what you read spread it around and VOTE.

The Crap Daliah

Brian De Palma used to be a good director.

Friday, September 15, 2006

"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" & "The Colbert Report" guests

“THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART” – (week of September 18)
Monday 9/18---------- Bill Clinton WOO HOO!!!
Tuesday 9/19---------- Ben Affleck- promoting movie "Hollywoodland"
Wednesday 9/20 ---------- Johnny Knoxville- promoting movie "Jackass: Number Two"
Thursday 9/21---------- CC Goldwater- producer/narrator of documentary "Mr. Conservative: Goldwater On Goldwater"

“THE COLBERT REPORT” – (week of September 18)
Monday 9/18---------- Will Power- hip hop theater artist
Tuesday 9/19---------- Frank Rich- “The Greatest Story Ever Sold”
Wednesday 9/20 ---------- James Carville- executive producer “All The King’s Men”
Thursday 9/21---------- TBA

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Whitney Bin Laden? Osama, the rebound is yours!

Oh no, Whitney and Bobby are done? Won't someone think of the TV show? Perhaps now Bin Laden can make his biggest dreams come true and his life as an "evil doer" can be set aside.

Powell Opposes Torture, Needs Proofreader.

Retired General, Former Secretary of State and one-time House of Bush lapdog, Colin Powell, sent off a letter to Senator (and occasional Bush hugger) John McCain condemning Bush's drive to side-step the Supreme Court ruling that mandates adherence to the Geneva Conventions, which essentially said: torture = bad, secret prisons = bad, due process = good.

He lays out a well reasoned (if short) argument against torture, saying "The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article III would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk." Which leaves one to wonder, where was this opposition and supposed moral clarity in the run up to the war in Iraq and the initial snatching and torturing of these prisoners? Also, where is the missing "of" in the letter's final sentence? Probably with those WMDs or the African Yellowcake Uranium.

Trench Coat Industry Takes Yet Another Hit.

As if the trench coat industry needed another slam to its image, now they have to recover from this guy who allegedly let loose with a machine gun on a group of college kids in Montreal yesterday. Seriously, if guys like this could stop being a walking cliche for a second and give things a little thought, maybe they would realize that life sucks for everyone and killing Canadians doesn't solve a damn thing.

By playing out this ages old (see Austin, TX 1966) act of senseless quasi-rebellion, this walking stereotype gives real nerds a bad name by giving moms (usually the Tipper Gore crowd, who in turn give us real progressives a bad name) yet another reason to blame video games, movies, comic books, vampires, music and the internet for all of society's ills.

Find the whole story at CNN

Now Wii can all look like idiots while Wii dance around the living room playing video games

Nintendo Announces Launch Date And Price For Japan And The Americas

Affordable System for Gamers, Newcomers and Families

14th September 2006 - Nintendo will reshape the home entertainment and video game landscape with the launch of its heralded Wii™ home video game console. Wii will go on sale in the Americas on November 19th and Japan on December 2nd - European launch date, price and software line up will be announced at a press conference in London tomorrow (Friday 15th).

Wii will be sold as an affordable, mass-consumer product at an MSRP in the US of just $249.99. The price includes one wireless Wii Remote controller, one Nunchuk™ controller and the groundbreaking collection of five different Wii Sports games on one disc, which anyone can play using simple physical movements, experienced or not.

Every Wii console will include another distinctive feature: a series of on-screen “channels” that make up the Wii Channel Menu, which makes the console approachable and customizable for everyone, from the most avid gamer to people who have never played before. The Wii Channel Menu is the starting point for all of the console’s functions. The “channels” offer a gateway to a rich variety of entertainment options. When connected to a TV, the Wii Channel Menu offers a simple interface letting users pick games to play, get news or weather, upload and send photos or even create playable caricatures of themselves to use in actual games. The variety of options available through the Wii Channel Menu motivates both gamers and non-gamers to turn on Wii’s power every day.

Wii is creating worldwide excitement with its unique control system, an inventive, first-of-its-kind controller whose position can be detected in a 3-D space. The new controller allows users pinpoint target in games or move through the Wii Channel Menu with precision and ease. This intuitive control system will be understood immediately by everyone, regardless of their previous experience with video games. With this one small controller, Wii makes games both easier and more intense than anything previously experienced. For example, in the Wii Sports tennis game players swing the Wii Remote like a racket to hit the ball, as in real life. They can add topspin or slice the ball just by angling their hands and wrist like they would in a real match.

“Wii reinvents games for the devoted player,” says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. “But more importantly, Wii breaks the wall separating players from non-players by delivering the best game experiences for the most affordable price. We believe the next leap is games for the masses – young and old, gamer or non, alone, with a friend or with the whole family.”

Fils-Aime made his remarks in New York, shortly after Nintendo executives in Japan announced Wii will launch there on Dec 2nd priced at 25,000 yen. Both announcements come ahead of a European press conference during which Nintendo will unveil specific detail around the console’s launch in Europe.

Between launch day and Dec. 31, Wii owners across America will enjoy a robust lineup of 30 software titles, with selections for everyone from video game veterans to newcomers. Some top Nintendo launch titles include Wii Sports, a compilation of tennis, baseball, golf and bowling; The Legend of ZeldaÆ: Twilight Princess; and EXCITE TRUCK™. While publishers are free to set their own prices for games, first-party Nintendo titles will have an MSRP of $49.99. Wii’s self-loading media bay also can play the entire library of more than 530 Nintendo GameCube™ titles from day one.

Third-party developers around the world have lined up to provide unprecedented support for Wii, “I believe the Wii will attract new and casual gamers to the world of interactive entertainment,” says Larry Probst, Chairman and CEO, Electronic Arts. “It’s a fun, easy and economical system that will become a bridge to gaming for mainstream audiences. At EA, we are putting more support behind the Wii than any Nintendo hardware launch since the Super NES.”

Additional information about the list of Virtual Console games and the pricing structure will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

this wouldn't be nearly as funny if the guy on the right wasn't using his...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Looks like one of the best writers in comics/TV will be taking over one of the most promising new titles of the last few years. This just in from Marvel H.Q....

Joss Whedon To Take Over Runaways

Runaways fans have been in a panic since Brian K. Vaughan announced last week that he and artist Adrian Alphona would be leaving the title they started after issue #24. But great news has arrived as Vaughan has helped handpick his successor, the superstar writer behind the best-selling Astonishing X-Men – Joss Whedon.

Joss has long been a fan of the series started by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona. He even wrote a piece of fan mail, which has since been collected in the Runaways Vol. 1 HC, where he implored Marvel to continue the series when he learned that the series was going to end at issue #18.

Runaways soon returned with a second volume and the title has continued to be a favorite of fans and critics to this day.

Joss’s first issue will be Runaways #25 when he is joined by new regular artist Michael Ryan (New Excalibur). Whedon and Ryan plan on taking these left coast heroes and expanding upon the solid foundation already laid down by Vaughan, Alphona, Miyazawa, and Norton.

Don’t dare miss Runaways #25 as Joss Whedon and Michael Ryan take over the title for an exciting new chapter in the lives of the Runaways. And be sure to continue to pick up the title as Vaughan’s tremendous run comes to a close, leading into the new team’s first issue. He’s recently killed one of the Runaways…will everyone make it to issue #25?

Monday, September 11, 2006

I know what I want for Xmas!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The answer to the numbers?

This is the result of the Lost Experience game that just wrapped up between season 2 and the upcoming season 3 premier on October 4th. Wow.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I just found this...

...and it rules.

Awww, l'il George finally won something legitimately!

My brother is insane...

...and also ridiculously creative. Check out his T-shirt/stuffed animal company at

By the way, he made the above collage, he isn't the guy holding the dog in it.

This is a DikDik... is really cute but also kind of terrifying in a Precious Moments meets the X-Files kind of way.

Cute break

OK, OK enough about the politics - check out this little buddy!

Bush wasn't the only one who knew he was lying...

Follow the link for an article confirming that the CIA had dismissed the Saddam - Al Qaeda connection before the "Shock and Awe."

It's the election dummies!

So who do you think stands to lose the most if the Republicans can't keep their stranglehold on the nation after the November mid-term elections? If you said Big Oil, I concur.

So, should it come as any surprise that gas prices - which have long been sited as numero uno on the list of things pissing off Joe and Jane Public - have been plummetting in recent weeks, with some analysts predicting a $2/gallon average by November? Not to me. This has to be one of the most blatant indications that Corporate America is fucking Civilian America that I have ever seen and should - in a just world - bring about massive investigations and a grand outcry for an end to 21st Century Reaganomics.

So why do I find it so depressing? Because, coupled with the House of Bush's rebranding of the Iraq War as WWII.1 and the inevitable October surprise aimed at getting the House of Falwell to the ballot box (something to do with those scary homos or unborn kiddies, no doubt), it will probably work - or rather "Git 'R Done!"

Fuck you Big Oil and fuck you Karl Rove. If the Dems can't take back the country now then what hope do we have when the GOP rolls out "America's Mayor" (and all around despicable human) Heir Gulliani in '08?

I got nothing. But I guess that just puts me in the same boat as most American's these days.

Project Greenlight finally gets it right!

Trailer for last season's Project Greenlight film - freaking rad! Let's hope it actually comes out!

Say what?!?!

The morning after this press conference every newspaper in the country should have run this as A1 above the fold top headline news - BUSH: NO CONNECTION BETWEEN 9/11 AND IRAQ. Why didn't they? Clearly the press isn't done being led around by their corporate parents and the administration's shot callers. You would hope that they had learned their lesson after capitulating like a fox during the steamroller runup to the Iraq invasion. Ah, how history repeats.

Can you say Iran '07? You better get used to it.

and I thought things couldn't get any worse than they are now

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Once more with feeling

OK, last one, I promise. They just keeo getting better and better though!

more wow



Oh snap, the Duck is back?!?!

Marvel's Civil War has been a cavalcade of killer and it is still less than halfway done! I just got this press release in the old in-box this morning and feel compelled to share the return of Howard the Duck, the Marvel Universe's most absurd denizen.

Read on:

Civil War: Choosing Sides Spotlights the Wildcards of War

Civil War is encompassing the entire Marvel Universe and the effects of the war are being felt by every hero, villain, and civilian. Civil War: Choosing Sides One-Shot features five stories that shine a spotlight on the wildcards and impact players whose part in the Civil War has yet to be told, including Daredevil/Iron Fist, U.S. Agent, the Irredeemable Ant Man, Venom, and even…Howard the Duck!?

While the heroes wage war on one another, just what are the villains of the Marvel Universe up to? Mac Gargan, the supervillain known as Venom, is looking at a country full of preoccupied heroes. That spells trouble for anybody in his way. Written by Marc Guggenheim with art by Leinil Franics Yu, this Venom story shows why the psychotic symbiote’s bloody role in Civil War is just getting started. Everyone will be amazed where his story continues.

Danny Rand, the man who has recently moonlighted as Daredevil and who possesses the power of the Iron Fist, has joined Captain America’s Anti-Registration crew along with his former partner Luke Cage. Find out the reasons behind Iron Fist’s decision in this story by Matt Fraction and David Aja in a story that leads into the new Iron Fist ongoing series from Fraction, Brubaker, and Aja coming this November.

In a story by Robert Kirkman and Phil Hester, Civil War sees the birth of brand-new superhero with a classic name in the Irredeemable Ant-Man. When a low-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent comes across Hank Pym’s prototype for a new Ant-Man suit, the entire Marvel Universe is in trouble. This “hero” isn’t looking to help mankind, he’s looking out for himself. Not only does this story feature the first appearance of the new Ant-Man, but it leads directly into the new ongoing The Irredeemable Ant-Man #1 in October.

Captain America has chosen a side, but what about the man who briefly took up his mantle, the U.S. Agent? In a story by Michael Avon Oeming and Scott Kolins, John Walker has to choose a side – the government he has always remained loyal to or the man whose legend he attempted to uphold? The answer won’t be what you think.

Plus, “Civil War: I’m With Howard!” What happens when you’re an alien duck stuck in a Civil War? The most asked for tale of Marvel’s Civil War…does a Master of Quack Fu need to register? Find out what the Super Human Registration Act has in store for everybody’s favorite surly duck in a story by Ty Templeton.

Don’t miss the Civil War: Choosing Sides One-Shot as the characters from these five stories gear up to make an impact on Civil War.

48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
FOC 10/5, On Sale 10/25/2006

Joss Whedon Rules

Best game ever man!

oh man, oh man. freaking amazing.

the only American car I would ever buy

Why oh why is this car not everywhere? Oil companies and crooked politicians? Oh, right, I forgot.

this band will rule the world

Daily Show + Colbert Report - Upcoming Guests

“THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART” – (week of September 11)

Monday 9/11---------- Maggie Gyllenhaal: actress - promoting movie, "Sherrybaby"

Tuesday 9/12---------- Gary Hart: Former U.S. senator, presidential candidate & author - promoting book, The Courage of Our Convictions

Wednesday 9/13 ---------- Ed Gillespie: former RNC chairman & author - promoting book, Winning Right

Thursday 9/14---------- Norm Macdonald: comedian - promoting "Norm MacDonald: Ridiculous" sketch comedy CD

“THE COLBERT REPORT” – (week of September 11)

Monday 9/11---------- Martin Short -”Fame Becomes Me”

Tuesday 9/12---------- Toby Keith - country music artist

Wednesday 9/13 ---------- Ken Jennings - Jeopardy! champion

Thursday 9/14---------- Bill Simmons - ESPN’s The Sports Guy

let the laughing begin


October 4th is the new Xmas!


This "training" video was commissioned by Universal then swifty trashed once they realized that Trey Parker and Matt Stone don't play with kid gloves. Keep an eye out for buckets of celeb cameos.

enter the dragon

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