It's the election dummies!

So who do you think stands to lose the most if the Republicans can't keep their stranglehold on the nation after the November mid-term elections? If you said Big Oil, I concur.
So, should it come as any surprise that gas prices - which have long been sited as numero uno on the list of things pissing off Joe and Jane Public - have been plummetting in recent weeks, with some analysts predicting a $2/gallon average by November? Not to me. This has to be one of the most blatant indications that Corporate America is fucking Civilian America that I have ever seen and should - in a just world - bring about massive investigations and a grand outcry for an end to 21st Century Reaganomics.
So why do I find it so depressing? Because, coupled with the House of Bush's rebranding of the Iraq War as WWII.1 and the inevitable October surprise aimed at getting the House of Falwell to the ballot box (something to do with those scary homos or unborn kiddies, no doubt), it will probably work - or rather "Git 'R Done!"
Fuck you Big Oil and fuck you Karl Rove. If the Dems can't take back the country now then what hope do we have when the GOP rolls out "America's Mayor" (and all around despicable human) Heir Gulliani in '08?
I got nothing. But I guess that just puts me in the same boat as most American's these days.
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