Friday, November 10, 2006

Some people just don't get it.


I am still trying to hold myself back from blowing up on Jim Thompson about today's editorial. He is really off base on this one and as a former doorman and bartender it is driving me insane.

If Wal-Mart started selling porn to kids would we blame all big-box store employees? Why then is Jim insistent on blaming the door and bar people for something they already do their best to stop.

Add to that the fact that we know what bars let underage kids drink. Quit blaming all bars and go after the few bad ones on the east side of downtown who obviously make no attempts to hide their underage customers.

What Jim is doing hurts good loyal downtown businesses like the 40 Watt, Manhattan, Room 13, Caledonia, Flicker, 283, etc when he lumps them in with the Bourbon Streets of the town.

Plus none of this even takes into account the fact that the vast majority of door/bar people make sub-poverty level wages and a lawsuit by the parents of an underage drinker would likely put them in financial ruin for years.

Hillary is also peeved and as usual she puts it a little more eloquently than yours truly ----> READ.


Blogger Gordon Lamb said...

Not entirely true. I cleared over $400,000 as a door man last year alone! Buy my program "How to retire in 5 years or less as a Doorman" for only $39.95.
I changed my life, now let me help change yours.

6:31 PM  

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