Newspaper quotes from comic books

I found these quotes from comic book characters (and one from Stan Lee) about newspapers and thought they were on the relatively rad and entertaining. Read if you like nerds and journalism.
"The only way we're going to end this downward spiral is to sell our way out - one newspaper at a time! That means we need flashier front page photos!
Hotter headlines! Sexier lead stories!" -- J. Jonah Jameson
"Wherever we find news, excitement, mystery and adventure, there, too, we
find the newspaper reporter. Always on the alert for something new, ready to
risk his very life for a scoop and finding adventure in every corner of the
globe." -- Stan Lee
"This is the life - juggling research for a couple dozen stories, some stale
doughnuts, some burnt coffee, deadlines looming." -- Betty Brant
"A newshound is a newshound, 24 hours a day." -- Perry White
"A reporter's job is to dig up stories. It's not his fault if what he digs up isn't very pretty."
-- Perry White
"Reporters, no matter what anyone else says, are human." -- Perry White
"I didn't become the publisher of one of the nation's largest-selling
newspapers by reporting what I saw on TV! We're reporters! Which means it's
up the Daily Bugle to get the story - the real story - not what some idiot
with makeup and blow-dried hair tell us is the story! It means we do
research, we separate fact from fiction!" -- J. Jonah Jameson

"If more journalists dressed with flair, maybe newspapers wouldn't be so
dull." -- Brenda Starr
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