Friday, March 23, 2007

9/11 Conspiracy?

While I always find conspiracy theories fascinating I have become much more sceptical in my oldish age and have grown cautious about jumping behind theories without taking time to investigate myself. Clearly information can be manipulated, fudged, sexed up, etc - however I just got done watching this documentary (keep in mind that I had never been compelled to sit through an hour and a half Google or YouTube video before this one) and while I am not prepared to say I agree with 100% of it without digging deeper, I do think it brings up some alarming information that has in large part been ignored by the majority of the media and American population. So, if you find yourself looking to burn some time online check it out and drop a comment on your thoughts.


Blogger Travis said...

Yeah, I can't say that I agree with most of it, (the bit about how some of the hijackers are still alive is a bit much...that'd be like "Tom Smith" blew up a building but there's a Tom Smith down the street that's still alive!!) but Loose Change does raise a couple good questions.

I'm not willing to accept that our government just "created" the whole thing (they're fucking retards), but at the same time the entire "Pentagon" attack has never sat well with me. The wreckage (or lack of) left behind just doesn't add up to a 747 smashing into the side of a building.

Maybe it's just being from Missouri (we ARE the "Show Me" state after all) but even the video that the Pentagon released doesn't look like a plane hit it.

But, if a plane didn't smash into it, what did? And what happened to the people on the plane that was hijacked? See, it's so easy to just not believe something the government tells you, but it's harder to actually back it up.

I'm not sure what my point is with all of this, but I'm fascinated with 9-11 and any and all theories that help enlighten us as to what actually happened.

My absolute favorite 9-11 piece was that special that the two French brothers did on CBS a few years back. They were in the middle of the street, and captured the first attack and the complete aftermath as it happened.

But yeah, Loose Change helps you to at least question what you're told...which is never a bad thing.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, I've wanted to sex up your information for years!

7:43 PM  
Blogger Travis said...

Alright, I actually sat down tonight and watched this. This is about the third time I've seen it and the third time it's been totally different. The last 2nd Edition I saw was about a 1/2 hour shorter and started with the "These hijackers are still alive" and "The World Trade Center was blown up by explosives." This version starts off with the much more dubious "Pentagon" attack, which worked better.

I still have some major issues with parts of it. For example, I love how they use the quote from Osama being like, "I tried to tell them I had nothing to do with 9-11, but they won't believe me?!" Cause if there's one thing about that bastard, it's that you can take him at his fucking word. These guys put our own country and politicians over the coals, but when it comes to believing poor innocent Osama, they just act like, "Hey, he said he DIDN'T do it! Why more do you need to know?!" It's insane and totally destroys a lot of their "crediblity."

Another thing that irks me is the casual nature of some of his narrating. "Are you ready for this?" Shit like that doesn't belong in something as serious as blaming our nation for 9-11. And some of the hip-hop beats would start up at the worst possible times. I wanna watch this to keep a different viewpoint, not shake my moneymaker.

And, I love Paul Greengrass, the director of United 93. He poured his heart and soul into making that film and wouldn't film a single frame until he got every single family mamber's permission. He interviewed a ton of them and looked over every single detail. To think that something as obvious as "United 93 actually landed in Clevland" simply got passed him is absurd. Paul Greengrass isn't some "Bush Lovin' America: Love it or Leave it" Republican...he's currently filming a new docudrama about how this administration fooled us into getting into Iraq...if there was any credible evidence that United 93 didn't crash into that field or that the government actually switched planes, I can't see him just tossing that aside.

Basically, where I fall on this video is that they raise an awful amount of good questions, but don't have much in the way of evidence to back most of it up. Sure, it's fishy that the government hides the video from nearby hotels and gas stations by the Pentagon. And yeah, the "Not finding any black boxes" thing is a lil' hard to swallow. But you can't just jump from that into "George W Bush manufactured 9-11." I mean, that man is HATED nowadays. How many other people had to be in on something of this magnitude? Hundreds?! Wouldn't one of them talk?!

And the ending...with the "reasons our government would do such a thing." Did you see the amount of money that was made from putting "holds" on the bank accounts or whatever days before 9-11? 2.5 Million. That's it? Wow, for that kind of money I could blow up two of the tallest buildings of the world...ooooooorrrrr, I could finace a direct-to-DVD Jean Claude Van Damme movie and make about double that. It's fucking nuts. 2.5 MILLION?! That's a lot of money to the people involved in the Project for a New American Century? They could make that giving one speech!

Or the gold that was burried under the World Trade Center?! THAT'S what this was about? Bombing a building for god damn gold?! I think I saw that movie and it was called Die Hard 3...

Look, I know I'm just rambling here, but like you said, you get sucked into the film. Part of you WANTS to believe the shit they're selling. Cause you know in your gut that our Government ain't being straight with our asses. But the more and more you think about the questions they raise and the leaps of logic they expect you to take, it just seems like a bit much. Sure, I wouldn't put it past our government to put explosives and help bring down the WTC...but I also saw video of two planes smash into the sides of the buildings. And people jumping towards their death and all the carnage involved. And the fucking amazing sense of unity (that quickly vanished) soon thereafter.

I can be suspect of a lot of what our country and it's leaders are capible of. But I think the real truth is in the middle ground of what both sides are trying to sell us.

Sorry I'm totally taking over your blog...but YOU said to leave comments!

4:13 AM  
Blogger Gordon Lamb said...

I AM The World Trade Center.

4:50 AM  

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