Over 600,000 dead Iraqi civilians. Taste the Freedom!

According to a disputed report from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and M.I.T. somewhere in the neighborhood of 655,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed as a result of "Operation Iraqi Freedom."
Sup freedom, how you doing?
So far the only people that I can find disputing the results of the study seem to be Republicans or Republican operatives. Surprise, Surprise. I'm just waiting for McCain to blame it on Clinton like he's now doing with the North Korea situation.
I know that in the wake of 9/11 Bush wanted his pound of flesh, but perhaps he could have taken the right flesh. Where is Bin Laden again? All I know is that no backdoor justification on Earth can explain away the deaths of over 600,000 human beings. There is simply no excuse for allowing this to continue, this war must be ended now so that the long road to healing and global forgiveness for American foolishness can start.
Admitting you are wrong can be a hard pill to swallow George, but something tells me it is a little easier on the soul than continuing to end human lives on such an epic scale. Maybe it is time for someone to ask himself what the Jewish carpenter would do - or is expecting the President to practice what he preaches un-American of me?
His jacket is a little bit awesome, though.
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