Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Are you a part of the problem, or a part of the solution?

Are you watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip yet?

Why not?

If you like TV with brains that spins drama, romance, comedy, and social commentary into a tight ball of undeniable awesome then you need to be watching. This is that rare quality show like Freaks and Geeks and Arrested Development that flies under the radar until it is too late, only to have folks who never watched bemoaning the lack of quality on the small screen. Seriously, the show is going to get cancelled if people don't give it a chance.

Watch it Monday nights at 10 on NBC, right after Heroes (which also rules).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, like, what? I'm supposed to think I'm part of the problem cuz I like watching guys that eat too many roast beef samwhiches sell big-ass knives on QVC instead of watching whatever this thing is you're talking about?

By my last count cable television has eleven thousand channels and I'll be damned if i can remmeber anything thats on any of 'em!

Still, I give you mad props that you're hawking a show on one of the old "Big 3" networks. Way to rock it old school, Lewis!

yer pal,

12:04 PM  
Blogger hillary said...

I'm definitely part of the problem. I'm lazy. I think I might not like Sorkin. And the show looks boring.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Ryanetics said...

You should totally give it a chance. Remember how you convinced me to give Buffy a try?

4:19 PM  
Blogger hillary said...

Yes, but I convinced you to give Buffy a try....

1. After I'd seen all of it. All seven seasons. Twice. Some episodes more than that.

2. When it was on DVD. Much easier to check something out that way.

I think we'll probably eventually start with _West Wing_, but do note that Jared and I didn't like _Sports Night_ when it was on.

9:26 AM  
Blogger darkness said...

I'm close to being part of the problem. Studio 60 and Heroes have had completely opposite trajectories; the former started off great and has gotten worse each week, whereas the latter was awful at first but has gotten with every episode. And Studio 60's nowhere near the level of Freaks and Geeks or Arrested Development.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Ryanetics said...

I will give you that Heroes is getting better (and by better I mean totally fucking rad) but I don't think Studio 60 is waning. I don't know why but there is something about it that is really connecting with me.

I suppose it isn't as immediate as Freaks and Geeks or Arrested Development but I think that is a symptom of it being a drama and by nature more subtle.

Who knows, I just wish more people were watching.

5:06 PM  

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